Hari Sabtu baru nih aku gi dentist, nak cabut gigi geraham bongsu yang tumbuh lari alignment... dia tumbuh menyenget sampai gigi sebelahnya tu dah terpecah sikit... so my dentist pun suggest aku cabut jer gigi geraham bongsu aku tu, walaupun there's nothing wrong with it... mulanya malas nak cabut, sebab aku dah pernah cabut gigi geraham bongsu on the right side of my mouth tu... masa tu kena minor surgery, the dentist terpaksa belah my gusi sbb akar gigi tuh bentuk anchor... kalau cabut biasa jer, dia akan tarik sekali akar gigi sebelahnya tuh... bila aku kenang balik the procedure done tuh, ngeri sungguh aku nak cabut kali nih...
*** flashback***
yang dulu tu dia belahnya my gums... ingat lagi camner the dentist tuh pakai goggles and how my blood was spraying onto her coat, mask & goggles... pastu kena stitch la pulak my gums to seal up the gaping hole in my mouth... dah la masa tu bulan puasa, lepas cabut gigi lak aku kena berjalan around half kilometer to the nearest bus stop to wait for minibus number 12 utk bawak aku balik ke bangsar... dengan panas teriknya, dengan puasanya... dah la tunggu bas lama, bila bas sampai lak, tak dapat tempat duduk so had to stand all the way till sampai bangsar... sampai situ lak, kena jalan lagi around 300 meters balik ke asrama... sampai jer kat asrama, aku terus tido.... masa berbuka, my roommates kata puas la depa cuba kejutkan aku tapi aku tak bangun2 jugak... so i ended up sleeping from around 3pm till 10am the next day... dengan tak berbukanya, dengan tak sahurnya, aku gagah jugak puasa the next day tuh sbb malas nak bayar balik posa... at the very least, I got 4 days of MC even though the dentist offer nak bagi a week.
anyway, back to the present time, bila dentist tuh kata kena cabut the left geraham bongsu, reluctantly aku setuju la jugak... mostly sebab aku rasa kali ni aku lebih bersedia, dengan dah makan + tak posa + tak payah naik bas... tapi bila the dentist check and kata kena belah, aku dah saspen semacam jer... tapi dia kata dia akan belah the tooth and not the gums... lega sket rasanya hati biler dengar dia kata camtu... so we went ahead with the procedure... Alhamdulillah, after about 15 minutes into the procedure, the tooth finally came out... and when she showed me the extracted tooth, I couldn't believe my eyes... besarnya!!! but it didn't feel that big when it was extracted... maybe due to the anesthesia administered kot... anyway, as of now I'm short of another tooth, but maybe it's all for the best la kot... kalau tak, most probably in a couple of years' time my actual molar yang kena cabut if the geraham bongsu continued its ascend...asalnya lepas cabut tuh aku nak gi hantar kereta untuk check my brakes, tapi i decided against it... aku pun terus balik rumah... and since the dentist said I shouldn't lie on my back at least until the bleeding stopped, aku pun bukak la laptop cari info on how to accelerate the clotting of the bleeding wound. basically all the articles I found told of the same procedures: don't lie down, keep biting on the gauze, don't spit/sneeze/smoke/use a straw yadda yadda yadda..... so aku pun terpaksa la berjaga nak tunggu bleeding berhenti....by 12 midnight, the bleeding still hasn't stopped... tapi aku dah expect sbb in my research I found out extraction of geraham bongsu usually would be followed by bleeding for around 24 hours... risau gak aku sbb the gauze yang the dentist gave to dah habis more than half... but Alhamdulillah by 5am, the bleeding seemed to have subsided dramatically... so aku pun masuk la tido with a new gauze in place and elevated my upper torso with extra pillows... Sunday morning when I woke up, the gauze I used was only slightly stained. lepas subuh, aku pun sambung balik tido. ingatkan nak tido sampai around 9 or ten, tapi bila I eventually woke up it was already 1.30pm! anyway, aku pun bangun la mandi & bersiap2 nak gi alamanda sbb perut dah menjerit2 mintak untuk diisi... by 3.30 pm, exactly 24 hours after the tooth was extracted, I had my first meal... aku belasah 2 servings of large McD porridge and 2 strawberry milkshakes... baru la perut aku tak bising-bising lagi dah... incidently, I bought 4 packets of instant porridge, 2 cartons of dutch lady strawberry milk and an extra set of strawberry milkshake... baru la cerah sket nampaknya dunia nih... kalau tak aku dok berYM ngan Chah pun aku tak paham apa yang dia cakap walaupun benda yg dia cakap tuh simple je... so I spent the rest of the day generating rainbow tables untuk a password hacking program I'm trying to compile... but that is a different story altogether... ;)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Adoilaaa.... sakitnya gigi...
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