Ayu tagged me, so here goes:
Layer One: On the Outside
Name: Hey, I'm Incognito.
Birthdate: Hari Polis tahun 1972
Current status: Coughing, feverish and almost naked
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Wish I could say totally black, but alas... my age is catching up with my hair
Righty or Lefty: Righty, I think. But Psych said I'm actually ambidextrous
Layer Two: On the Inside
My heritage: haven't achieved World Heritage status yet
My fears: Losing my memory, which is currently happening even right now.
My Weaknesses: Internet
My perfect pizza: Dude, there's no such thing as perfection in this world
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My thoughts first thing when I wake up: Darn! The cat wants to be fed again!
My bedtime: Anything between 1900 to 0700
My most missed memory: No idea. Memory's bust.
Layer Four: My picks
Pepsi or Coke: Used to be Coke, but I don't drink carbonated drinks anymore
Mc Donald's or Burger King: Mc Donald's definitely
Single or Group Dates: Group dates have the potential to be fun, but also annoying
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Tea or Nestea: Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappucino or Coffee: Coffee
Layer Five: Do I
Smoke: I wish I could all the time
Curse: Not verbally
Take a shower: when I feel like it
Have a crush: yeah
Think I've Been In love: "Think" being the operative word here, yes.
Go to school: My whole life's a school
Want to get married: Not worth the headache
Believe in myself: Most of the time.
Think I'm a health freak: No way!
Layer Six: In the past month
Drank alcohol: Nope
Gone to the mall: Yeah
Been on stage: Nope
Eaten Sushi: Nope
Dyed your hair: Nope
Layer Seven: Have I ever
Played a stripping game: Nope
Changed who I am to fit in: I think so. But like I said, my memory's bust now, so I can't remember.
Layer Eight: Age
I am hoping to be married: Refer item 7, layer 5.
Layer Nine: What was I doing
1 min ago: Doing this tag
1 hour ago: Surfing
4.5 hours ago: On my way to Bangi
1 month ago: Having teh tarik at Mon't Kiara
1 year ago: Memory's bust
Layer Ten: Finish The Sentence
I love: having lots of money to spend
I feel: miserable with this cough and runny nose
I hate: talking to people
I hide: secrets
I need: more sleep
Layer Eleven: Tag 5 people
This part I can't complete. Read on to know why...
1. 1na - sorry, you're the only one I know who has a blog that hasn't been tagged yet
*** finito
Layer One: On the Outside
Name: Hey, I'm Incognito.
Birthdate: Hari Polis tahun 1972
Current status: Coughing, feverish and almost naked
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Wish I could say totally black, but alas... my age is catching up with my hair
Righty or Lefty: Righty, I think. But Psych said I'm actually ambidextrous
Layer Two: On the Inside
My heritage: haven't achieved World Heritage status yet
My fears: Losing my memory, which is currently happening even right now.
My Weaknesses: Internet
My perfect pizza: Dude, there's no such thing as perfection in this world
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My thoughts first thing when I wake up: Darn! The cat wants to be fed again!
My bedtime: Anything between 1900 to 0700
My most missed memory: No idea. Memory's bust.
Layer Four: My picks
Pepsi or Coke: Used to be Coke, but I don't drink carbonated drinks anymore
Mc Donald's or Burger King: Mc Donald's definitely
Single or Group Dates: Group dates have the potential to be fun, but also annoying
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Tea or Nestea: Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappucino or Coffee: Coffee
Layer Five: Do I
Smoke: I wish I could all the time
Curse: Not verbally
Take a shower: when I feel like it
Have a crush: yeah
Think I've Been In love: "Think" being the operative word here, yes.
Go to school: My whole life's a school
Want to get married: Not worth the headache
Believe in myself: Most of the time.
Think I'm a health freak: No way!
Layer Six: In the past month
Drank alcohol: Nope
Gone to the mall: Yeah
Been on stage: Nope
Eaten Sushi: Nope
Dyed your hair: Nope
Layer Seven: Have I ever
Played a stripping game: Nope
Changed who I am to fit in: I think so. But like I said, my memory's bust now, so I can't remember.
Layer Eight: Age
I am hoping to be married: Refer item 7, layer 5.
Layer Nine: What was I doing
1 min ago: Doing this tag
1 hour ago: Surfing
4.5 hours ago: On my way to Bangi
1 month ago: Having teh tarik at Mon't Kiara
1 year ago: Memory's bust
Layer Ten: Finish The Sentence
I love: having lots of money to spend
I feel: miserable with this cough and runny nose
I hate: talking to people
I hide: secrets
I need: more sleep
Layer Eleven: Tag 5 people
This part I can't complete. Read on to know why...
1. 1na - sorry, you're the only one I know who has a blog that hasn't been tagged yet
*** finito