Know what, i think i'm going to use this blog as a platform to vent my anger to all those stoopid people out there doing their stoopid stuff. For instance, what do you make of this image below? (excuse my drawing... i'm no photoshop expert)

I come across this image almost every working day. Or rather, I drive over the image almost every working day. They're the markers imprinted on the road that I use to go to work, and they're just before a cross junction with traffic lights.
To me, the visual instructions are simple enough: The left and middle lanes are for those who wish to drive on straight while the right lane are for those who intend to turn right. Simple, ain't it? And since I tend to accelerate from 0 to at least 60 in under 5 seconds (in a car, not on a bathroom scale mind you!) I tend to take the middle lane when stopping at the traffic light.
there are these stoopid people who intend to turn right, but insist on taking the middle lane. These stoopid people are usually those queue cutters who do not want to join the queue at the right lane (the queue tends to be quite long during morning rush hour) and instead opt to take the middle lane and overtake those who have been patiently waiting at the right lane. These ***insert whatever expletives that comes to mind right about here*** invariably will get stuck behind me when the lights for right-turning becomes green and I can't continue to drive straight. Then these ***insert even more colourful expletives that comes to mind here*** would get irritated and will either:
1. flash their car lights to me;
2. honk "politely" at first, then blaringly when I refuse to budge; or
3. just wait patiently for MY lights to turn green so they can inch forward.
I usually tolerate number 1 and 3 (hold on, what's to tolerate if they just wait patiently then?) but those who choose option 2 will eventually get on MY nerves. I mean, why honk at me when it's their stoopidity that put them in their predicament in the first place? So, after almost 3 years of putting up with number 2, this week I decided to fight back. The first instance happened last Monday. There was this orange Gen.2 with a brusque-looking man at the wheel. He didn't honk "politely" but chose to go at me full-strength. So guess what I did: I got out of the car, walked next to the straight-pointing arrow on the road, pointed at my eyes, pointed at his eyes, then pointed at the arrow, then gestured that the lane was for those going forward, not to the right. He stopped honking at me and tried to manoeuver into the right lane, but instead was honked by the oncoming cars already waiting patiently at the right lane. So eventually he has to wait until MY lights were green and I drove off before inching forward, waiting for his lights to change...
The second incident was just this morning. The same thing happened, just that this time it was a lady driver, very mak Datin looking, in a champagne-gold Merc honking. So I did exactly the same thing, with added gestures of:
1. pointing at her;
2. pointing at my right temple; and
3. gesturing which roughly connotes that she didn't have brains.
At this point, she stopped honking at me and just waited quietly in her car, not even attempting to cut into the right lane.
People are sooooo stoopid sometimes... That's why I like machines better most of the time...

I come across this image almost every working day. Or rather, I drive over the image almost every working day. They're the markers imprinted on the road that I use to go to work, and they're just before a cross junction with traffic lights.
To me, the visual instructions are simple enough: The left and middle lanes are for those who wish to drive on straight while the right lane are for those who intend to turn right. Simple, ain't it? And since I tend to accelerate from 0 to at least 60 in under 5 seconds (in a car, not on a bathroom scale mind you!) I tend to take the middle lane when stopping at the traffic light.
there are these stoopid people who intend to turn right, but insist on taking the middle lane. These stoopid people are usually those queue cutters who do not want to join the queue at the right lane (the queue tends to be quite long during morning rush hour) and instead opt to take the middle lane and overtake those who have been patiently waiting at the right lane. These ***insert whatever expletives that comes to mind right about here*** invariably will get stuck behind me when the lights for right-turning becomes green and I can't continue to drive straight. Then these ***insert even more colourful expletives that comes to mind here*** would get irritated and will either:
1. flash their car lights to me;
2. honk "politely" at first, then blaringly when I refuse to budge; or
3. just wait patiently for MY lights to turn green so they can inch forward.
I usually tolerate number 1 and 3 (hold on, what's to tolerate if they just wait patiently then?) but those who choose option 2 will eventually get on MY nerves. I mean, why honk at me when it's their stoopidity that put them in their predicament in the first place? So, after almost 3 years of putting up with number 2, this week I decided to fight back. The first instance happened last Monday. There was this orange Gen.2 with a brusque-looking man at the wheel. He didn't honk "politely" but chose to go at me full-strength. So guess what I did: I got out of the car, walked next to the straight-pointing arrow on the road, pointed at my eyes, pointed at his eyes, then pointed at the arrow, then gestured that the lane was for those going forward, not to the right. He stopped honking at me and tried to manoeuver into the right lane, but instead was honked by the oncoming cars already waiting patiently at the right lane. So eventually he has to wait until MY lights were green and I drove off before inching forward, waiting for his lights to change...
The second incident was just this morning. The same thing happened, just that this time it was a lady driver, very mak Datin looking, in a champagne-gold Merc honking. So I did exactly the same thing, with added gestures of:
1. pointing at her;
2. pointing at my right temple; and
3. gesturing which roughly connotes that she didn't have brains.
At this point, she stopped honking at me and just waited quietly in her car, not even attempting to cut into the right lane.
People are sooooo stoopid sometimes... That's why I like machines better most of the time...